
How To Claim Your Car Insurance Quickly!

Car Accident

Potret Kuli - If you think your car insurance journey has ended when you renewed, think again. The true adventure begins when you have to make a claim – though hopefully you’ll never need to.

The last thing you want after an accident is to deal with red tape, so to make this whole thing easier, we’ve created a little guide on how to make a claim. Hopefully it’ll speed things up for you!

Call the police

Depending on the severity of the accident, you might have to contact the police. It is important that you do this first (after calling an ambulance, if need be). The police will assess the situation and then provide you with a case number.

Call your vehicle insurance provider

Once you have obtained a case number, you must get in touch with your vehicle insurance provider as soon as possible. You need to contact them within 30 days of the incident. It is also very important that you supply them with enough details pertaining to the accident and that you are honest about what happened in order to ensure that the correct procedure is followed. Once you have submitted the claim, a claims handler will be in touch with you shortly.

Make sure you have these things ready when you ring your insurer:

*    The registrations of both vehicles
*    The names and contact details of the other driver, any passengers and witnesses
*    Photos of the damage if you’ve taken any
*    The location, including road or street names, and the nearest house or business numbers
*    Any other information that could be relevant such as road or weather conditions, plus time of day
What to do if your windshield is damaged

Windshield damage is incredibly dangerous and, as a result, needs to be repaired as soon as possible. Unfortunately, not all motor insurance policies include cover for windshield damage. Before submitting a claim for the repair of your windshield, read through the cover sheet of your policy. If you are indeed covered, contact your insurer and provide them with the necessary information. You will then be informed of what to do next.

If you are ever in doubt about making a claim, do not hesitate to call the vehicle insurance company for advice. Remember - every policy is different, so make sure that you are well aware of exactly what you are covered for before getting behind the wheel.

Jika Anda telah membuat modifikasi pada mobil yang telah meningkat nilainya, mengirim semua rincian termasuk penerimaan dari pekerjaan yang dilakukan untuk perusahaan asuransi Anda untuk menegosiasikan harga yang lebih adil.

Jika Anda tidak setuju harga, Anda dapat menghubungi Ombudsman Keuangan yang dapat membantu bernegosiasi. Mereka juga dapat dihubungi jika Anda merasa asuransi Anda telah diperlakukan tidak adil Anda dengan cara lain.

 How To Save Money On Car Insurance