Potret Kuli - When it comes to car sales, you may be looking for a new or used car that will meet your specific needs. This means you may be looking for an economical compact that you can drive to and from work without it draining the bank account in fuel or you may be looking for a luxury 4 x 4 because you travel a number of country lanes and dusty tracks each day.
It doesn't matter what car you purchase or why you need the car, what is important is ensuring you take out enough insurance to cover the vehicle and ensure that you are driving legally on the road.
The single greatest influence on the rating process is claim frequency. This does not mean how many times you specifically have made an insurance claim, although that will have an additional effect. Claim frequency measures how often an insured event occurs within a group relative to the number of policies contained in that group. Persons sharing characteristics with high claims groups will be charged more for insurance coverage.
Specific Factors that Affect Your Rate
* Your driving record – drivers with previous violations or accidents are considered to be higher risk
* Your geographic territory – urban areas have more claims than rural areas
* Your gender and age – males have more accidents; certain age groups have more claims
* Your marital status – married people show lower rates of claims
* Prior insurance coverage – if you have been cancelled for non-payment of premiums
* Vehicle use – higher annual mileage results in higher exposure to risk
* Make and model of your vehicle – luxury and sports cars average a higher number of claims
Protect your no claims wherever possible. When it comes to car sales, finding insurance is a top priority. You can often pay a slightly higher premium to protect your no claims, ensuring you insurance doesn't increase in the future.
Another consideration is when looking at car sales and deciding whether to finance or not, the insurance can be a huge factor, especially if paying monthly. In these instances you have your monthly repayment instalments and your monthly insurance payments. Identify if the insurance company will enable you to increase your excess. A higher excess usually means a lower premium. Insurance companies are often willing to consider this option for customers with a good history of no claims.
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